[Editorial] May God Curse Bill Lee!

The supreme executive power of the State of Tennessee is vested in a governor.

He or she is elected to hold office for four years. The person may be eligible to succeed in office for additional four year terms. The governor is the commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy of this state, and of the Militia. The governor has the power to grant reprieves and pardons, after conviction, except in cases of impeachment.

Tennessee Constitution Article III – Executive Department. Section 10 says, “He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

The laws in the State of Tennessee are not faithfully executed.

The laws in the State of Tennessee are not faithfully executed especially in terms of and in cases of CORRUPT JUDGES and CROOKED LAWYERS who are criminals and who violate laws.

Bill Lee is a seventh-generation Tennessean and the 50th Governor of Tennessee.

Mr. Lee, ARREST all of the corrupt judges and crooked lawyers in Tennessee!

Lee, investigate in order to arrest them.

Hey, man. do it.

Hey, young man, arrest them.

Hey, young fella, investigate them.

God Damn It.

May God curse Bill Lee!

God Damn it again.

Fix such problems here in Tennessee immediately.

Damn it!

[Editorial] The Tennessee Times

Published: July 20, 2024, Saturday, at 11:45AM.

[Editorial] Hybrid Crime in Tennessee

The State of Tennessee has very serious MALIGNANT TUMORS in its territory. They can be called as the HYBRID CRIME.

The hybrid crime is the mixture of the white-collar crime and the physical or violent crime.

It is suspeced or alleged that accomplices (particeps criminis) of such hybrid criminals inhabit or lie doggo in the judicial, political, or rulling system of the various governments in the State of Tennessee. Or such governments are contaminated, infected, or infiltrated by such criminals and their accomplices.

Therefore, the only way through which Tennessee can revive is arguably SURGICAL OPERATION. Such operating surgeon can or should be the next governor of the State of Tennessee.

The malignant tumors should be removed and the propagation of cancer cells should be suppressed in Tennessee in spite of tumor evolution. Additionally, there should be such social efforts to prevent cancer cell proliferation in Tennessee, too.

It may be human fate to live with cancer cells in human body. The Tennesseans can think of also finding out how to exclusively destroy cancer cells in the State of Tennessee without affecting healthy cells by adapting to creative or innovative ways to cope with such issues of malignant tumors here in Tennessee.

The Tennesseans deserve better health and better health care system. Politically, judicially, and socially.

[Editorial] The Tennessee Times

Published: July 15, 2024, Monday, at 9:50AM.

[Editorial] The Ememergency Status should be declared in Tennessee

The Governor of the State of Tennessee should declare the emergency status here in Tennessee immediately right now as of July 10, 2024.

Do you think we are kiddding? No, we’re not. We’re dead serious.

We declare the State of Tennessee as the ruined and devastated place of CORRUPTION, CRIME, DEPRAVITY, and DECADENCE.

Special criminal investigations should be perfomed against such cunning, hidden, and heinous suspects including, but not limited corrupt judges, crooked lawyers, depraved high-level law enforcement officials, and arrogant, irresponsible, and corrupt lawmakers and politicians in the State of Tennessee.

Special investigative units and committees should be launched against such allegedly known and hidden suspects.

This is the beginning of the new chapter for the history of Tennessee. The good Tennesseeans deserve the new era for Tennessee while bad ones deserve hell.

[Editorial] The Tennessee Times

Published: July 10, 2024, Wednesday, at 11:38AM.

[Editorial] Impeaching governor Bill Lee?

The Tennesseans have no choice but to begin to consider to try to impeach governor Bill Lee IF he continues to fail to maintain social order and establish the rule of law in the State of Tennessee in the United States of America.

The Tennessee Times

Published: July 5, 2024, Friday, at 2:02PM (07/05/2024).

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[Editorial] The State of Anarchy in the State of Tennessee

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[Editorial] The State of Anarchy in the State of Tennessee

The Tennesseans are living in the territory of the State of Tennessee. Is the State of Tennessee a State of anarchy? What does it mean in this context?

They say that anarchy is a form of society without rulers. Of course, there are multi-layered governments in Tennessee which are the Tennessee State government, other county governments, and other city governments.

However, it has been observed or alleged that there were and are the failure of government, the corruption of government, or the crime of government. To sum up, it is alleged that the government is criminal, too.

It has been alleged that there are, in Tennessee, too many corrupt judges, corrupt lawmakers and politicians, corrupt law enforcements, corrupt businesses and their crooked lawyers. In a sense, it makes sense that Tennessee is a stateless space.

In Tennessee, such violent criminals should be punished in order to maintain social order. And there are other criminals or at least suspects who should be punished, too. They are corrupt government officials including, but not limited to corrupt judges, lawmakers, politicians, law enforcements, businesses, and lawyers.

Special investigative units should be established in the State of Tennessee in order to handle such issues of “The State of Anarchy in the State of Tennessee.”

The Tennessee Times

Published: June 30, 2024

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