[Editorial] The State of Anarchy in the State of Tennessee

The Tennesseans are living in the territory of the State of Tennessee. Is the State of Tennessee a State of anarchy? What does it mean in this context?

They say that anarchy is a form of society without rulers. Of course, there are multi-layered governments in Tennessee which are the Tennessee State government, other county governments, and other city governments.

However, it has been observed or alleged that there were and are the failure of government, the corruption of government, or the crime of government. To sum up, it is alleged that the government is criminal, too.

It has been alleged that there are, in Tennessee, too many corrupt judges, corrupt lawmakers and politicians, corrupt law enforcements, corrupt businesses and their crooked lawyers. In a sense, it makes sense that Tennessee is a stateless space.

In Tennessee, such violent criminals should be punished in order to maintain social order. And there are other criminals or at least suspects who should be punished, too. They are corrupt government officials including, but not limited to corrupt judges, lawmakers, politicians, law enforcements, businesses, and lawyers.

Special investigative units should be established in the State of Tennessee in order to handle such issues of “The State of Anarchy in the State of Tennessee.”

The Tennessee Times

Published: June 30, 2024

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