[Editorial] Cameron Sexton & Common Sense

Could such impeachment be on the table?

According to media reports, Cameron Sexton(Speaker of the House, Tennessee) said ‘if Steve Mulroy(Shelby County District Attorney, TN) becomes part of the problem and not the solution, impeachment could be on the table.’

Could such impeachment be on the table? Should such impeachment be on the table which Mr. Sexton mentioned about Mr. Mulroy in terms of juvenile crime issues in Shelby County, TN?

Thomas Paine was an English-American writer, political pamphleteer, and political activist. Paine was born in 1737 in Norfolk, England and died in 1809 in New York, U.S. His “Common Sense” pamphlet(1776) and the American Crisis papers were said to be important influences on the American Revolution or at the start of the American Revolution.

He authored the two of the most influential pamphlets, and it is said that he helped to inspire the Patriots in 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain. His ideas reflected Enlightenment-era ideals of human rights.

The first and subsequent editions of “Common Sense” divided the pamphlet into four sections. I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, With Concise Remarks on the English Constitution. II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. III. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs. IV. On the Present Ability of America, With Some Miscellaneous Reflections.

The powers of the government in the State of Tennessee are divided into three distinct departments: legislative, executive, and judicial according to Tennessee Constitution Article II. Section 1.

The legislative authority of the State of Tennessee is vested in a General Assembly, which consists of a Senate and House of Representatives. The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment pursuant to Tennessee Constitution Article V. Section 1. All impeachments are tried by the Senate pursuant to Article V. Section 2.

The governor, judges of the Supreme Court, judges of the inferior courts, chancellors, attorneys for the state, treasurer, comptroller, and secretary of state, are liable to impeachment, whenever they may, in the opinion of the House of Representatives, commit any CRIME in their official capacity which may require disqualification pursuant to Tennessee Constitution Article V. Section 4.

Not by any POLITICAL MOTIVATION. Such political motivation or other types of impure motivation were not mentioned in Tennessee Constitution Article V. Section 4.

House Speaker Cameron Sexton was sued by Tennessee Rep. Justin Jones(D-Nashville) on or about October 3, 2023. It was alleged that the House Republican efforts to expel Mr. Jones last spring in 2023 and enact new rules to limit debate during the August special session were unconstitutional and illegal.

Was there any (personal or political) necessity to Mr. Sexton that he needed or wanted to distract general public’s attention and media’s interests in terms of such lawsuit between Mr. Jones and Mr. Sexton by Mr. Sexton’s emphasizing juvenile crime in Shelby County and mentioning the name of Steve Mulroy?

And, was there any (personal or political) necessity to Mr. Sexton that he needed or wanted to distract general public’s attention and media’s interests in terms of the failure of his role for the legislative efforts for gun reform in Tennessee especially after the mass shooting which occurred on or about March 27, 2023 at the Covenant School in the Green Hills neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee.

Steve Mulroy is one of the decent government officials in Shelby County, TN. He is completely or at least very different from such cheap government officials like Jim Strickland or Floyd Bonner. If you think of the SCARCITY of decent politicians or government officials in Shelby County or the city of Memphis, TN, the meaning of the existence of such a public servant like Steve Mulroy is not that small, but quite big.

If Mr. Sexton really believes that such mechanism of impeachment should function in Tennessee, how about other allegedly corrupt high-end government officials who are judges, lawmakers, or high positions in law enforcement agencies?

One of the typical examples is a notorious judge whose name is (‘so-called’ “Honorable”) Rhynette N. Hurd who is sitting on the bench in Shelby County Circuit Court(Division Five(5)) in the State of Tennessee.

If someone should or can be impeached in Shelby County, TN, Judge Hurd is and should be the first person here in Shelby County, TN. We are very, and even extremely confindent about such argument and its related allegation.

([Reference] Case number(TN Shelby County Circuit Court): CT-2449-22 (Hwang vs. Holt, MGA)(The presiding judge was the notorious judge Rhynette N. Hurd); Case number(TN Court of Appeals): W2023-00627-COA-R3-CV (Hwang vs. Holt, MGA)(this appeal case is penidng at the moment at the appellate court.); Another case was indirectly involved in the previous case. Case number: CT-4094-20 (Hwang vs. Arita, Saint Francis Hospital-Memphis, and City of Memphis(Memphis Police Department and Memphis Fire Department)) (The presiding judge was U.S. District judge Sheryl Lipman in the past in the (Federal) District Court, but the presiding judge is judge Felicia Corbin-Johnson at the moment in the Shelby County Circuit Court(Division One(1). This case is pending there at the trial court, too.)

A tip was submitted to FBI(Federal Bereau of Investigation) on or about March 28, 2023 about judge Hurd. An inquiry of informaton was filed on or about April 3, 2023 in terms of wireless devices and equipments. Furthermore, a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT(one of 10(ten) criminal complaints) was filed on or about June 19, 2023 against judge Rhynette Hurd, against attorney Jeffrey Nicoson, against attorney Wade Scofield, and/or against unknown suspects to MPD(Memphis Police Department.)

If there exist worst kinds of law enforcements in Tennessee, MPD is one of the worst law enforcement agencies not only in the State of Tennessee but also in the United States.

Mr. Sexton’s political rhetorics are not LEGALLY justified, but they seem to be personally or politically motivated. Or other impure motivations could give political impetus to his political rhetorics in term of invoking such “impeachment” remarks.

However, such political remarks are estimated to run counter to “Common Sense” in the county of Shelby County in the State of Tennessee and in the United States of America.

To sum up, Mr. Sexton is a man of the lack of “Common Sense”. And he appears to lack (any or reasonable) ‘common sense’, too.

The Tennessee Times

Published: October 17, 2023

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